Hi! I'm Yvette.
First. A little about me. Your designer! I love the colour blue and enjoy watching sunsets. It is my passion and purpose to live a life of joy and thus bring joy to other people. I also loves having fun and adventures.
I am on a journey, exploring and creating, to become my True-Self. "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself"

Consultation approach.
I believe we are self healing individuals. When you fall and bruise yourself your body knows what to do. You don't have to give it instructions. Its the same with mental health.
But if you have been through trauma, your brain gets rewired. So I help you remember how to heal. Its like how you might put an ointment on a bruise to help it heal, but the body does the work of healing.
Its more widely understood to lean into your body and use neurofeedback, mindfulness techniques, play, yoga as alternative therapies. Its important to ask that question, "What can you learn from your body?" in those types of therapies.
When we collaborate to help you reach your goals, I invite you to ask a similar question, "What can you learn from your environment? What messages are you receiving? How is this affecting you?"
Millions have been spent on studies to determine the best environments for hospitals, schools, employees, jails, urban design in general. We as designers of the built environment have a better understanding of how it affects your behaviour: your physical and mental health.
But there is no environment that works for everyone. No healing modality that works for everyone. And more so, designing for better health doesn't need to remain a privilege reserved for the powerful and wealthy, who can invest in research.
Through my services, it is available to you. And it is a person centered approach, not a standard set for a specific type of person. We use your data through journaling, observation and activities to custom create your optimal environment.
Is it better to start from the internal? So, you can refine your core self and have a clear goal about the life you truly want to create. What you activate outside of you will also be activated inside of you.
Or do you already have a clear understanding of your core and you want to bring this outward in your relationships, behaviour and environment? You always want to consciously create your environment to reflect your intentions.
Learn more about why I combine design and coaching here: learn more
Say it out loud, "I create my joy." You are the decision maker in your life and your design. "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."