Thank you for choosing to help!

You can become a member when you sign up and choose different levels of membership. Even if you do not make a donation or choose a one time payment, you are still a valued purple member!! Signing up will enable you to keep up to date and find volunteer opportunities.

If you choose not to sign up, that’s ok. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and help: And for being interested in our cause.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide survivors of abuse with furniture and accessories that help them transform their spaces into spaces of joy. They also receive free coaching in design from I create my joy. We believe in Integrative health that addresses the full range of: physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual and environmental influences.

Choose to:

Become a purple helper

Purple helper
purple helper

Make a one time donation of any amount. Every penny counts!

Become a green helper

green helper
green helper

Make a monthly donation of any amount up to $5.00

Become an orange helper

Orange helper
orange helper

Make a monthly donation of any amount over $5.00 up to $30.00

Become a red helper

red helper
red helper

Make a monthly donation of any amount over $30.00

we respect your privacy donor privacy policy

Your environment greatly affects your health. Not only are we helping survivors of abuse with necessities: We believe a joyful environment accelerate their healing and recovery.

We help them create spaces of joy!

Founder: Yvette Oloo