Who you are

Who you are

Feb. 12, 2020 by

What is at your core Who are you without the titles? Without being a mother, sister, brother, father. Without your career or business. Without your accolades. Who are you at the core? What are your talents? What are you good

How to set boundaries

How to Set boundaries

Jan. 18, 2020 by

Set healthy boundaries with everyone Boundaries are important in helping us function with other people. You have to know where you start and end to have a healthy relationship, or interaction with anyone. Don’t just set boundaries to keep yourself

The journey

The Journey

Dec. 4, 2019 by

The journey starts when you are dependent. Perhaps like a leaf on a grand tree. Feeling like you spread wide, connected, your purpose never questioned. You are a part of something bigger. You have your place. Then something unexpected happens,

Starting over

Recreated Mom Starting Over

Sep. 13, 2019 by

Be Educated And Empowered Recreated mom starting over? What does this mean? First a little of how I ended up with recreated, then some tips to use when starting over. You have your own reason for having to start over.